Women's Shirts

Discover the World of Style and Comfort with Our Exclusive Collection of Women's T-Shirts at P&M!

We are a proud distributor of renowned brands based in the heart of Rawa Mazowiecka. Our specially selected collection of women's T-shirts includes models for every figure and occasion.

Personalization for Unique Style

Add a personal touch to any choice with our personalization services, which include professional printing or embroidery.

Everyday Comfort

Our T-shirts, made from the highest quality materials, provide everyday comfort, whether you are spending the day in the office, at business meetings, or in pleasant company.

Choose Fabrics Perfect for Any Weather

We offer different fabric weights, perfect for any weather: from light (up to 160 g/m²) ideal for warm summer days, to thicker variants, excellent for cooler months.

Innovation, Quality, and Customer Satisfaction

At P&M, a dynamically developing clothing wholesaler and distributor, we are not just product suppliers - we are your advisors in the world of fashion.

Express Yourself with P&M!

Thanks to our professionalism, flexibility, and excellent knowledge of the latest trends, we guarantee that you will find products with us that will highlight your unique style.